I've been on Newgrounds for over ONE YEAR now!
...and eleven days....oops T-T
Well better late than never, Right?
I didn't grow up on Newgrounds, but I did play some great games (Fancy Pants Adventures, Haunt the House, Super Mario 63.) and watch some great animators (Eddsworld, OneyNG, Psychicpebbles.) that originated from it!
I started to use this site around September 2022, but only joined last year.
Now it's time to recap my first year on NG (and other things).
But first, I have to thank everyone who's followed me!
Thank j00 @Piconjo
Thank you @Tawaki6ixty5ive
Thank you @PMHX-From-scratch
Thank you @AndyIsAnUndertaleFan
Thank you @CRAPPYMUSlC
Thank you @ben-doever
Thank you @Squidster491
Thank you @ibavider007
Thank you @Talconic
Thank you @masterassblaster
Thank you @Doomiser
Thank you @JesusClausReal
Thank you @goofygamer12
Thank you @TheMiamiDeSantos
Thank you @SCREWBU
Thank you @straightuptired
Thank you @CameronFusionProd
Thank you @SongiaXshudder
Thank you @DancarMar
Thank you @Creeperforce24
Thank you @Flamable-Liquid
Thank you @hvbrb
Thank you @Ghostvsshadow
Thank you @Olexxie
Thank you @SkilledFella
Thank you @Coolfrog27
Thank you @Zakeblue1
Thank you @AM-ZYNK
Thank you @Velocijammer
Thank you @ScepterDPinoy
Thank you @Hurbatius
Thank you @t0asterbra1n
Thank you @Cattozzz
Thank you @Tomzulian
Thank you @bisteca2007
Thank you @bhgrjijh003
Thank you @LucidFox3
Thank you @Xnothsis
Thank you @ToxicBrain20
Thank you @SamuraiKNOX
HOLY SHIT! That's A LOT of people!
I uploaded my first piece of art on the 2nd of January!
over that time it has gained:
8 Favorites
And 19 Votes whit a score of 4.05
Which is really silly to me that it didn't get a 1.32 or some shit, just fuckin' look at it lol.
On the 11th of January it was my birthday! :D.
It sucked.
The eclipse was on the 8th of April, and it was cool. B)
On the 19th of May I reached 10 fans! It's now more surprising to me because I have
WHAT?!? I've done like...NOTHING! Thank you SO much, it means a lot to me. <3
I made an art playlist on the 6th of July to help people whit their art.
If you have any videos you would like to share, please! It would be very helpful. ^^
On the 7th of September it was time to vote with THE NEW MONTHLY VOTING SYSTEM and on that day I also got THIS IN THE MAIL!! :D
[Insert photo of NG shirt here]
On the 23th of October I won @Serafin-corpse's game, and a few days later I got the reward!...I still haven't claimed it yet....I will.....eventually.
And finally, I wanted to say thank you to whoever followed, voted on art, left reviews, commented on news posts, and whatever else.
Thank you!
Sorry if this sounded stiff, I'm not good at writing. :,(
Oh God Thanks For Sending This Post! :D
You're welcome lol.